Chamot at Camp SambelOver the past five years EngageMedia has established itself as a leading distribution platform of social justice videos from the Asia-Pacific Region. We are now entering a new phase and with it, a strategic plan to guide us through the next few years. To accomplish this we would like to hear from you!
To better understand what you know about EngageMedia, the services and programs you use, or don’t use, we have designed a survey that will help us design a strategic plan to better suit your needs and improve public engagement around the critical issues of our time. Plus, we’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions around what we do best and what we have yet to do.
We invite you and / or your organisation to participate in our strategic planning survey, which we have designed to be as elegant and time-conscious as possible to contribute to.
Our survey closes on Friday, 6 August.
Photo by EngageMedia. Used with permission under Creative Content license 2.0