Thank you, Mr. President.
The Association for Progressive Communications and Derechos Digitales welcome the engagement of Chile in the UPR process and would like to focus on the recommendations related to the impact of digital technologies on the exercise of human rights.
Recommendations were formulated by at least six different states on issues ranging from respect for the rights to privacy, freedom of expression, and peaceful assembly and association, to the exercise of economic, social and cultural rights and the impact of surveillance technologies in Chilean people's lives.
As pointed out by Switzerland and recommended by Brazil, Chile needs to “adopt specific legislation to protect and promote digital rights on digital environments, including the right to privacy."
Similarly, we hope that Chile, in accordance with Peru’s recommendation, will implement the evaluation of surveillance and personal data collection technologies from a human rights perspective, ensuring the right to privacy and non-discrimination.
Chile needs to tackle violence against women in digital spaces. In line with Iceland’s and Canada’s recommendations, we hope Chile will expeditiously “review laws, policies, and regulations that tackle violence against women, including violence in digital environments” in order to ensure that every women is able to “live free of violence, including [in] the digital context.”
Chile also needs to end the use of technology for violating human rights as was seen in the case of "Operation Huracán", in which technology was used to frame indigenous leaders under anti-terrorist legislation. Following Bolivia’s recommendation, Chile should “promote standards that follow the principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality regarding the use of communications and technologies as a way to end the criminalization towards the protests of the indigenous people.”
This is the time for the Chile to show its commitment to ensuring the ability of all people to fully exercise their human rights in offline and online contexts, in line with international standards.
Thank you.