This section is a space where APC's staff, members and readers can open up conversations on topics that are of interest for the ICT community. It is a space where authors get to be themselves – sometimes to express opinions and challenge the readers on issues and topics that are close to them, sometimes to share their personal experience on an event or a current debate. The views expressed in this section do not necessarily reflect the views of APC or its network, but that does not make them any less valuable.
| APC Talk
Flavia Fascendini
What does it take to create a feminist internet?
| APC Talk
Shawna Finnegan
Sex and the internet: Intersectionality in internet rights
| APC Talk
Flavia Fascendini
Sexuality, feminism, activism and the internet we dream of
| APC Talk
Liemia Eljaili Abubkr
Online surveillance and censorship in Sudan
| APC Talk
Foundation for Media Alternatives
ASEAN Forum discusses freedom of expression in the digital age
| APC Talk
Rohini Lakshané
Hooked on: Sex work and mobile phones
| APC Talk
Tomas Viera Mario
National advocacy plan on digital migration in Mozambique
| APC Talk
Maureen Nwobodo
Nigeria and the UPR: Human rights on the internet
| APC Talk
Bukeni Waruzi
The Video-For-Change Africa Network is Born!
| APC Talk
Decoding India’s Proposed Online Porn Ban – II
| APC Talk
Flavia Fascendini