IISD Climate Change Policy & PracticeClimate Change Policy & Practice is a knowledge management project for international negotiations and related activities on climate change. It features original content researched and produced by the project staff: daily news reports, articles, periodic policy updates, upcoming climate change events.
All news articles on Climate Change Policy & Practice are contributed by a team of thematic experts, and are not aggregated from other sources. Research is conducted directly by participation in meetings, interviews with the key actors involved, and from official sources.
Featured content includes:
* Daily news reports researched and written by the project’s own thematic experts
* Guest Articles by key high-level officials, such as UN Secretary-General, written specifically for this website
* Periodic Policy Updates written by the project staff
* A comprehensive calendar of upcoming climate change events.
Content can be searched by date, region or topic.
Visitors can also view the postings and subscribe to the Climate-L listserve, active since 1998 as a free peer-to-peer knowledge-sharing tool for policy makers and practitioners involved in climate change policy.