7 November 2018 | Publication Salwa Rana Bottlenecks, incompetence and abuse of power: An analysis of PECA’s implementation
26 October 2018 | APC Talk Srinidhi Raghavan for GenderIT.org Inclusion, mobility and connection: Diverse uses of mobile phones for women with disability
19 October 2018 | Publication APC and others Pakistan: Global civil society calls on the Government to reverse its order to close 18 human rights and development organisations
13 October 2018 | APC Talk Praveena Thaali for GenderIT.org Rejecting victimhood: The online speak-out campaign in Kerala against harassment
9 October 2018 | Publication APC APC calls for strong data protection safeguards following Supreme Court of India's verdict on Aadhar, India's biometric identity programme
8 October 2018 | APC Talk Andrew Garton Right to Know - Episode 4: Digital literacy and the perils of social activism in India
1 October 2018 | APC Talk Andrew Garton Right to Know - Episode 3: The unheard will not remain unseen
29 September 2018 | APC Talk Myanmar ICT for Development Organization (MIDO) APC members in 2017: Real or Not: News verification and fact checking Facebook page in Myanmar
29 September 2018 | APC Talk VOICE APC members in 2017: VOICE issues legal notice to protect the right to privacy in Bangladesh