15 April 2016 | Publication Bytes for All, Pakistan, Media Matters for Democracy and APC Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill 2016, yet another story of deception from democracy
31 March 2016 | Publication Gayathry Venkiteswaran Freedom of assembly and association online in India, Malaysia and Pakistan: Trends, challenges and recommendations
22 March 2016 | APC Talk Sheetal Kumar (Global Partners Digital) Towards Pakistan’s upcoming review at the Human Rights Council
9 March 2016 | News APC At the Internet Freedom Festival: "Political expression, minorities, human rights defenders are under threat in Pakistan"
29 February 2016 | News APC EMPOWER Malaysia: "The best way to counter alleged misinformation is more information"
26 February 2016 | Publication Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER) EMPOWER Malaysia: "Stop censoring information"