19 August 2015 | News APC Bangladesh: Government must ensure freedom of expression online, prevent arbitrary killings
19 August 2015 | News APC Malaysia: Proposal to require registration of online news portals would contribute to crackdown on free expression
19 August 2015 | APC Talk APC Foundation for Media Alternatives: A Philippine Multistakeholder Forum on Internet Governance
18 August 2015 | Publication APC and Bytes for All, Pakistan The government of Bangladesh must ensure freedom of expression online, prevent arbitrary killings
18 August 2015 | APC Talk APC Jordan Open Source Association: Working on the Jordan Charter of Digital Rights
18 August 2015 | Publication APC and Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER) Call to Malaysian government: End threats to press freedom and freedom of expression online
17 August 2015 | APC Talk Parminder Jeet Singh (IT for Change) IT for Change: "Community broadband networks are an urgent advocacy issue in developing countries"
12 August 2015 | APC Talk Sajia Afreen Smita Participation in the gigX and APrIGF in Macau: Learning and experience
17 July 2015 | APC Talk Pinda Phisitbutra Ladder of Hierarchy: how gender matters in internet governance