11 September 2018 | News APCNews Who can still doubt the capacity of community networks to provide universal access?
17 August 2018 | News Adriano Belisário, Bruno Vianna, Hiure Queiroz and Thiago Novaes Funding models for community-based internet service providers
8 August 2018 | Publication KeepItOn Coalition #KeepitOn: Joint letter on keeping the internet open and secure in Ethiopia
6 August 2018 | Publication Alan Finlay Action Steps: A decade of civil society advocacy in the information society - A baseline review of the Global Information Society Watch country reports (2007-2017)
19 June 2018 | APC Talk Karla Velasco Ramos The international perspective of connecting the unconnected
4 June 2018 | News Florencia Roveri, Nodo TAU A pathway towards community access: From telecentres to community networks
23 May 2018 | Publication A4AI, the Worldwide Web Foundation, the GSMA and APC A toolkit for researching women’s internet access and use