22 December 2016 | News Olga Tsafack-Koloko APC subgrant supports advocacy to solve internet access problems in Cameroon
6 December 2016 | Publication Center for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) Overcoming gender-based digital exclusion in northern Nigeria: A strategy document
1 September 2016 | Publication APC APC contribution to the ITU Council Working Group on International Internet-related Public Policy Issues: Open consultation on “Building an enabling environment for access to the Internet”
17 June 2016 | Publication APC 32nd Session of the Human Rights Council: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to education, freedom of peaceful assembly and association
16 June 2016 | Publication APC 32nd session of the Human Rights Council: Oral statement by APC at the Annual Full-Day Discussion on the Human Rights of Women
10 June 2016 | Publication Association for Progressive Communications Written statement by the Association for Progressive Communications on the right to education and the internet
13 April 2016 | Publication APC Ending digital exclusion: Why the access divide persists and how to close it