24 November 2016 | APC Talk Dr. Evan Light and Dr. Stéphane Couture, Communications Program, Glendon In the words of Snowden, spying on journalists in Quebec “is a radical attack on journalism of the free press”
21 November 2016 | News APC APC welcomes UNGA resolution to protect right to privacy in the digital age in the face of challenges
21 November 2016 | Publication APC APC welcomes UNGA resolution calling for effective measures to protect right to privacy in the digital age in the face of increasing challenges
25 October 2016 | News APC Multistakeholder working group sets norms for cybersecurity policy that respects human rights
5 October 2016 | News Leila Nachawati Rego Mohammed Maskati: "Digital security is still considered something cool and fancy and not taken seriously"
29 September 2016 | Publication APC APC welcomes landmark HRC resolution condemning threats to women journalists and restrictions on encryption
6 September 2016 | Publication Doutje Lettinga and Lars van Troost, editors Shifting Power and Human Rights Diplomacy: South Africa
30 August 2016 | Publication Association for Progressive Communications, Bytes for All Pakistan, and Media Matters for Democracy Suggestions for internet-related human rights questions to be included in the list of issues on Pakistan, Human Rights Committee 120th session, June-July 2017
12 August 2016 | Publication Media Matters for Democracy, Bytes for All, Pakistan and the Association for Progressive Communications In spite of continued objections over serious human rights implications, Pakistan’s new cyber crime bill passes through: Joint statement by Media Matters for Democracy, Bytes for All, Pakistan and APC
12 July 2016 | Publication Black Lives Matter, eQualit.ie and May First/People Link, Design Action Collective Statement on the recent attacks on Black Lives Matter's website