10 November 2014 | News Mallory Knodel Governments must support right to privacy at UN General Assembly
10 November 2014 | Publication various Call to support a strong UNGA resolution on the right to privacy in the digital age
24 October 2014 | Publication Horacio Sívori and Bruno Zilli EROTICS Global Survey 2013-2014: Sexual rights and the impact of regulatory frameworks and control mechanisms
24 October 2014 | Project Building a culture of online human rights and digital security in the Maghreb-Machrek region
22 September 2014 | News Alexandra Groome Activists talk censorship and circumvention at Disco-tech Istanbul
18 September 2014 | Publication Various Global Information Society Watch 2014: Communications surveillance in the digital age
10 September 2014 | News IGF 2014 shares messages on right to privacy in the digital age at Human Rights Council
29 August 2014 | News Report on communications surveillance in the digital age to be launched in Turkey
14 August 2014 | APC Talk Instituto Nupef Protecting privacy and personal data in Brazilian e-health initiatives