11 March 2013 | News Mallory Knodel Now in Spanish: Digital security first-aid kit for human rights defenders
14 February 2013 | News Flavia Fascendini Women's rights and safety online: Project partners granted to strengthen national work
19 December 2012 | News GenderIT.org Power of stories to reclaim women's rights - Highlights of Take Back the Tech! campaign
4 December 2012 | News Flavia Fascendini Activism, fundraising and security online: facets of the feminist cyborg
15 November 2012 | News ‘Feminist Cyborgs: Activism, Fundraising and Security Online’: register now for AFF and APC webinar
7 November 2012 | News Daysi Flores Women human rights defenders and digital security: Reflections with a Latin American accent
30 October 2012 | News FD New publication: Infographic in Portuguese on the impact of the internet and human rights