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Facebook has long allowed content endorsing violence against women. They claim that these pages fall under the “humor” part of their guidelines, or are expressions of “free speech.” But Facebook has proven willing to crack down on other forms of hate speech, including anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and homophobic speech, without claiming such exemptions.

That’s why we’re calling on Facebook to make the only responsible decision and ban gender-based hate speech. Can you help?

Below are five prominent companies whose Facebook ads have appeared alongside violent, hateful content. Will you join us in asking them to stop advertising on Facebook until Facebook takes real action to end gender-based hate speech on its site?

Check the companies

Feel free to also contact other companies whose ads you’ve seen on pages that promote violence against women! Use the hashtag #FBrape if you’re on Twitter. Please also send examples of offending pages, along with the actions you’ve taken to hold Facebook and its advertisers accountable, to

Read An Open Letter to Facebook, signed by the Take Back the Tech! campaign .

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