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Recently, Addie Wagenknecht, the Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquire Fellow, organised a congress of cyberfeminist researchers to examine how themes of privacy, security, surveillance, anonymity, and large-scale data aggregation are problematised in the arts, culture and society. The congress, titled Deep Lab, brought together a group of internationally acclaimed new-media artists, information designers, data scientists, software engineers, hackers, writers, journalists and theoreticians – to engage in critical assessments of contemporary digital culture. In their collaborative work aimed to exploit the potential for creative inquiry lying dormant in the deep web, the Lab participants conducted research that resulted in the Deep Lab book, a video album of ten public presentations, and an 18-minute documentary. In the following interview, we speak to Addie about Deep Lab’s initial research, the congress, publication/s, and their future plans.

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