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Tactical Tech, Frontline and APC are working on a new edition of Security in-a-Box, which will focus explicitly on the particular challenges faced by women human rights defenders (WHRDs) and, more importantly, ways in which these challenges can be overcome.

This new edition will include an article about digital security as a feminist practice as well as a visual exploration of how violence against women has changed in the context of the spread of ICTs.

The other thing the team would like to include in the guide are the real-life strategies which WHRDs and women’s rights organisations are employing in order to protect their information and themselves – and this is especially where the team would love your input. They are also wanting stories of sexual rights activists who have challenged online harassment.

The idea is to give other WHRDs who read the guide some inspiration, and help them see the benefits of employing these tactics and tools in their work. Is there a strategy or tool which you and those you work with have been effectively utilising to stay one step ahead and digitally secure?

If you have a story to share, they would love you to get in touch and chat about it!

It does not have to be anything complicated: it could be as simple as how effective using Spybot, anti-virus or open-source software has been.

If you would like more information or have a story to contribute please get in touch with and

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