At HRC29, on 17 June 2015. Photo by Shawna Finnegan.
Today at the Human Rights Council, APC together with the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and the International Lesbian and Gay Association delivered a joint statement highlighting the importance of encryption and anonymity for people who face discrimination and persecution based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.
The internet is a critical space for users to explore identity and access information in relation to gender and sexuality; and encryption and anonymity are often vital tools for these individuals to circumvent restrictions and exercise the right to seek, receive and impart information and are
fundamental for the full realization of the right to develop and hold opinions.
The moves of corporations to shift to real-name policies – requiring users to use their real names on online platforms – is a clear violation of the right to anonymity, as well as some trans and gender
non-conforming persons’ right to self- expression. We urge governments to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms online, including freedom of expression, and to revoke censorship and blocking of websites in their countries containing information on sexual orientation, gender
identity and expression, particularly the websites of sexual rights organisations and magazines.