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The Association for Progressive Communications’ Caroline Tagny interviewed Chenai Chair, a participant of the Africa Gender and Internet Governance Exchange, on her experience.

Chenai Chair is a researcher with Research ICT Africa. She holds an MSocSci specialising in global studies, and a BSocSci in gender studies and industrial relations from the University of Cape Town. Her areas of specialisation include conducting qualitative studies with a focus on gender, youth and the informal sector as well as tracking pricing patterns in the supply side of telecommunications in Africa. The most exciting and challenging thing in her career is keeping up with technology trends; their impact on socioeconomic development and accompanying policy and regulatory issues. With her participation in the African Scholl on Internet Governance (AFRISIG) and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), she hoped to bring to the fore the importance of African based evidence for determining the way forward in internet governance. She hoped to take away an understanding of gender and internet governance rights issues and a collaborative network.

Read the full Feminist Talk in .

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