16 June 2016 | Publication Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Bytes for All, Pakistan (B4A), Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and EMPOWER Written submission to the Human Rights Councils' 32nd session: State of internet rights in India, Malaysia and Pakistan
4 June 2016 | News Kendra Moyer Attacks on social movements increase online, tech support comes to the rescue
23 May 2016 | News Flavia Fascendini Point of View, APC's new member in India: “We're kindred spirits – we care about the same things”
16 May 2016 | Publication APC Malaysian parliament should heed civil society calls to reject flawed Communications and Multimedia Act amendments
13 May 2016 | Project Building feminist cross-movement collaboration and action on internet and human rights in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean