10 July 2017 | Publication Gayatri Khandhadai with contributions from Mallory Knodel and Furhan Hussain (Editor: Deborah Brown) for APC National human rights institutions in digital spaces
21 June 2017 | Publication Human rights and the internet: The key role of national human rights institutions in protecting human rights in the digital age
14 June 2017 | Publication IGF Best Practice Forum on Gender and access (2016): Overcoming barriers to enable women's meaningful internet access
11 May 2017 | News Guifi.net, APC's new member in Catalonia: Creating free, open and neutral telecoms networks
14 May 2017 | News What is the relationship between access and power? APC at the Stockholm Internet Forum 2017
8 March 2017 | News The constellations in internet history: A conversation with Ian Peter, founder of Pegasus Networks