20 September 2013 | News NGOs at the Human Rights Council: Apply human rights law to state surveillance
19 September 2013 | Publication Shawna Finnegan Civil Society Statement read by APC to the Human Rights Council on Canada UPR report
19 September 2013 | Publication APC Civil Society Statement read by APC to the Human Rights Council on human rights principles applicable to communications surveillance
16 September 2013 | APC Talk APC HRC 24: Joint Statement by NGOs in the Republic of Korea on intelligence agencies’ internet surveillance
4 September 2013 | Publication Joint statement on surveillance at the UN Human Rights Council’s 24th session
29 August 2013 | News AL PRESS RELEASE: Civil society coalition urges the US government to respect and promote the human rights of non-US persons
31 July 2013 | APC Talk Shawna Finnegan Necessary and proportionate: Civil society agrees on principles on surveillance and human rights
31 July 2013 | APC Talk EFF More than a hundred global groups make a principled stand against surveillance
30 July 2013 | APC Talk Phil Mincher New WikiLeaks doco begs the question: should the public know state secrets