8 July 2013 | News Carly Nyst We need public debate, not a secret tribunal, on covert British surveillance
8 July 2013 | News Time to reveal NSA's spying: Jinbonet calls South Korean government to take action
17 June 2013 | Publication Shawna Finnegan and Jennifer Radloff Submission to UN Secretary-General on reprisals and intimidation against human rights defenders
14 June 2013 | News AL Civil society letter to US Congress on internet and telecommunications surveillance
13 June 2013 | News Shawna Finnegan and Carly Nyst US-based surveillance and data collection: New UN report provides guidance on PRISM
16 May 2013 | News Shawna Finnegan APCNews interviews Alex Comninos on developing a cybersecurity agenda for civil society